In an effort to reduce learning time in mold changing activities, simplify skills and optimize safety for operators, Alges has developed the mold changing cart for horizontal presses.
The cart is set up to fit the model and size of your molds and presses.
The Machine has positively passed compliance with the analysis on safety in use both in work and internal transfers/movements, performed by specific company.
The Mold Change Cart is specially designed to eliminate manual handling by the operator.
DATASHEET Mould change trolley for horizontal presses
- Approximate mould change time 6 to 10 min with single operator
- Max. mold weight - model dependent - at tip and at 90°
- Moulds 600 x 600 x 70 mm indicative up to 200 KG
- Moulds 800 x 700 x 80 up to 400 kg
- Cart is used for mould pickup/deposit from shelf H min 550, or tabletop
- Trolley is used for mould pickup/deposit from HORIZONTAL Press , provided with mould in column passage and self-supported inside press .
- Mould is handled by the cart IN VERTICAL position
- Mould can be docked by Magnet or by mechanical hook ( to be defined in pre-order analysis)
- 9 i Degrees of FREEDOM / electrical MOVEMENTS :
Mould MUST have FREE sides such that it can be hooked and pushed and must be able to slide
Used by single operator trained by alges and issued with certificate of passing the course . Operator works safely and smoothly
The machine must be able to easily and safely pass through the production department , as well as all other trolleys
The machine will be able to ensure the practical positioning in mechanical safety and towards the operator , of the pickup , and hooking of the mold , the safe pull on roller conveyor 1 , the exchange of lane , the re-insertion in push back of the new safely from lane 2 of the trolley .
The machine is self-propelled by battery , complete with battery charger . Autonomy of 2 ,5 h indicative . ( dependent on transits )
The Machine has positively and demonstrably passed compliance with the analysis on safety in use both in work and in transfer / internal handling , performed by specific company
Machine safety : double emergency mushroom + perimeter emergency included
Electrical and electronic quadristics, power and management included
GENERAL: request verification call / comparison between vs mould type and machine compatibility alges
Operation and maintenance manual, CE marking